Statement Of Intent

 Statement of Intent - Year 11 Media GCSE

For my media coursework, I am creating two 40-60 second advertisements for a health drink which is targeted at young, active people. The purpose of these is to show how drinks can provide a quick boost of energy which helps people stay refreshed and physically and mentally energised throughout the day. I want to show that Naked drinks are perfect for those who enjoy physically active sports and outdoor activities.

The establishing shot of advert one will begin with a shot of a sunny park which is filled with lively sounds of children (diegetic sound) playing in the park and people jogging around. The main character, a middle class teenager, will be shown sitting on a bench looking tired after playing, then a handheld medium shot will show the casual nature of the scene. The teenagers will then feel the need for more energy before introducing the product Naked.

Naked will be shown in a close-up (packed shot), with the character pulling it out of their bag and taking a big sip. The sound of the bottle opening will be worked with a voiceover (non-diegetic sound) introducing the drink as "your perfect energy fuel". After drinking it, the character will rapidly feel energised and this is shown when the character smiles and says, "wow, this is just what I needed".

The disequilibrium (Todorov) will then start with the character running, jumping and working out. The advert will finish with a teenager giving a thumbs up and the logo and slogan for the health drink appearing on the screen. The voiceover will be finisher and say "Fuel your adventure with [Drink] - Stay Energised".


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