December mock exam: Learner Response

 1) Type up any feedback on your paper (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). If you only have marks and a grade on the paper, write a WWW/EBI yourself based on your scores.

WWW-  I had good focus on the clip questions and how the stereotypes of females and males and how they subvert or reinforce expectations.

EBI -My Definition is unclear,  and need to develop my answers further and i need to work on my timing for how long i spend in a question especially the 10 Marker whilst using key vocabulary.

2) Use the mark scheme for this Paper 2 mock to read the answers AQA were looking for. First, write down a definition and example of non-diegetic sound (Q1.1 and 1.2). 

Non-Diegetic sound is all sounds generated within the world of the drama and an example could be music.

3) Next, identify three points you could have made in Q1.3 - camerawork and the extract. Look for the indicative content in the mark scheme - these are the suggested answers from AQA.

I could have talked about the shots for example the opening shot which focuses on Will giving the omelette to Lyre and talk about stereotypes and gender expectations from that scene.

Another point could be Camera angles which could show Will in a low angle shot to express dominance but his body language and facial expressions tell otherwise.

way to a zoom.
• Will’s suggestion that they work together is made while Lyra is shown in a medium
close-up over-the-shoulder shot. This allows the audience to see her reaction

4) Now look at Q1.4 in the mark scheme - pick out two points from the mark scheme that you could have included in your answer.

I could have talked
 about non-verbal communication and mise-en-scene/CLAMPS

5) Focus on Q2 - the 20-mark essay on representations of age and social and cultural contexts. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you didn't include in your answer.

1) Teenage representation (Clothes/Behaviour)
2) How society feels about the generational gap.
3) Cultural views like tradition.

6) Turning your attention to Section B, write a definition and example of user-generated content - use the mark scheme to check it.

 material created by those whose main role is as users of media such as newspapers, television,
radio, magazines, the internet or web or online systems an example could be my facebook profile.

7) Look at Q4 - the 20-mark essay on the power of influencers. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you didn't include in your own answer.

In relation to Marcus Rashford’s online presence, he uses this to promote companies that he has
signed endorsement deals and his book club (that can boost his own book sales). There is not a clear
distinction between his promotional and advertising work and the rest of his social media or
website content. This blurring of the boundaries perhaps suggests more regulation is necessary. The
Advertising Standards Authority has called on celebrities and influencers to be more explicit when
they are posting paid promotion on their social media platforms.
Rashford and Kim Kardashian are prominent on Instagram – she has more than 350m followers.
Instagram has been linked with higher rates of depression and anxiety in teenage girls which
perhaps suggests regulation is needed. There are over 25m Instagram users in the UK alone which is
a staggeringly high number. It seems remarkable that much of the media is heavily regulated – e.g.
TV and radio by Ofcom and yet such an influential platform as Instagram is free to do whatever it
There are also debates regarding authenticity and anonymity on social media. Twitter/X no longer
has celebrity verification so it is more difficult than previously to tell if a real celebrity or influencer
is posting. The ‘blue check’ can now be bought by any user willing to pay Elon Musk £8 a month
which arguably makes the platform more dangerous and more in need of outside regulation. 

8) Now look at Q5 - the 20-mark essay on regulation and the internet. Again, pick out three points from the mark scheme that you didn't include in your own answer.

• the relationship between technology, media industries and media products
• the ways in which the media re-present the world and construct versions of reality
• the ways aspects of reality may be represented differently depending on the purposes of the

9) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for your Media mock exam? Be honest here - it's a good chance to think about how to approach the next set of mock exams.


10) List three key things you want to revise before the next mock exams in February (e.g. particular CSPs, terminology, exam technique etc.)

CSPS because it was used is Q5
Terminology and exam techniques


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