Paper 1 assessment: Learner response

Create a blogpost called 'Paper 1 assessment learner response'.

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

WWW : Ali, some ability to recall advertising convention. Some knowledge of how Black Widow film was marketed + promoted.

EBI |Revise : 
-Galaxy CSP / Narrative features
- Tatler / Magazine conventions reflect contexts.
- you are not fully answering/ responding to the questions.

2) Look at the mark scheme for this assessment. For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative content in the mark scheme to identify three points that you could have referred to in your answer.

I could have used non-verbal and verbal codes, I could have also tried to do use of language plus i could have added something about the colour palette and how light/dark the colours are and how nit matches the scenes and the effects of it. I could have also added some photography key words which could identify the camera shot.

3) For Question 3 (Galaxy - narrative features) use the mark scheme to write down the main narrative theories and how we can link them to the Galaxy advert CSP. 

The narrative of the product is to convince people to buy their product ( Galaxy ).l could have done this by using Propp's character theory using Audrey Hepburn as the heroine and the damsel in distress who needs saving by the person in the car whilst enjoying her galaxy chocolate.
4) Now look at Question 4 - Tattler and social/cultural contexts. Use the mark scheme to identify three points you could have made in your answer here.

• Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critically
engages with the nuanced aspects of the narrative of the
television advert with detailed reference to the CSP.
• Excellent use of the theoretical framework that demonstrates a
detailed and accurate understanding of how narratives are used
to convey messages to audience; consistent and accurate
application of narrative theory.
• Consistent appropriate and effective use of subject terminology

5) On Section B, focus on Question 7 - film industry and Black Widow. Use the mark scheme to identify three ways Black Widow was marketed to its audience.

  • The use of trailers, teasers and social media to build up excitement and word-of- mouth long before release.
  • The use of traditional film marketing techniques: trailers, film posters, red-carpet premieres, interviews with stars and director etc.
  • Star Power: most big-budget mainstream films and blockbusters will use Star Power

6) Finally, write down three things you are going to work on before your next mock exam in December (e.g. time management; revising CSPs etc.)

I need to revise the CSPS and revise more key terminology and don't leave questions blank and actually listen,


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